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Elden Ring on Linux (offline mode)

published 24/02/2022 in Linux | tags : Linux, Elden Ring #100DaysToOffload

  Estimated read time: 1 min.

Launch day for Elden Ring! It’s out and finally unlocked and playable in Linux day one (with the caveat that only offline mode works due to the garbage software that is EAC).

Here’s how to get it working.

Navigate to your Elden Ring directory

cd $HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/ELDEN RING/Game/
cp eldenring.exe start_protected_game.exe

Launch the game and enjoy Elden Ring in offline mode.

Hopefully FROM with some pressure from Valve get EAC working in Linux properly through Proton, or at least give us the option to play without this garbage software.

That’s it, if you need to revert to the EAC protected version just re-validate your game in steam.