What goes into an item in Atiya’s Quest
published on 📅 25/02/2025 | tags : Linux, Godot, GameDev, AtiyaExplore the intricate process of creating equipment in Atiya’s Quest, from effects and rarity to unique names and descriptions.

GDScript vs Python (from a Python Dev’s perspective)
published on 📅 04/11/2024 | tags : Linux, Python, GDScript, GodotLearning curve coming in from having done many years of Python Dev, syntactically the language “looks” very similar, there’s very little visual differences when looking at the code.

Getting started with Godot in Arch
published on 📅 03/11/2024 | tags : Linux, Arch, Godot, AndroidOverview of the steps required to get up and running for Godot development in Arch Linux.

Atiya’s Quest Website
published on 📅 02/09/2024 | tags : Linux, Windows, Android, Atiya's Quest, Games, ReleaseAtiya’s Quest gets a formal release on Linux, Windows, and Android.

Atiya’s Quest Release
published on 📅 29/08/2024 | tags : Linux, Windows, Android, Atiya's Quest, Games, ReleaseAtiya’s Quest will get a formal release on Linux, Windows, and Android.

Fast Arch Mirrors
published on 📅 25/03/2024 | tags : Linux, ArchHow to find the fastest Arch mirrors

Recovering from failed terraform apply
published on 📅 06/09/2023 | tags : Linux, Arch, terraform, DevopsQuick post on how to recover from a failed terraform apply

Taking the drone out in Bayers Lake, early spring 2023
published on 📅 15/04/2023 | tags : Drone, Lakes, Bayers, Sunny, Jeep, Nova-ScotiaJust taking a quick spin around with the Drone in Bayers Lake, Nova Scotia.

Out with the drone in Shediac New Brunswick Easter weekend 2023
published on 📅 08/04/2023 | tags : Drone, Shediac, Beach, Sunset, Jeep, New-BrunswickOut with the drone in Shediac New Brunswick Easter weekend 2023

Hurricane Fiona
published on 📅 25/09/2022 | tags : Hurricane, Fiona, Broken Trees, No PowerJust an update on hurricane Fiona in my neck of the woods.

Out off-roading in Tantallon Nova-Scotia, taking a look at a couple wild campsites
published on 📅 18/09/2022 | tags : Drone, Camping, Wild, Lakes, Ponds, Jeep, Nova-ScotiaOff-roading in Tantallon NS, taking a look at a couple wild campsites

Bayers Lake Droning
published on 📅 10/09/2022 | tags : Drone, Panoramic, NS, Bayers, Lake, ConstructionA panoramic view of the construction site at Bayers Lake in Halifax, taken while flying my drone around the lakes.

Stable-Diffusion on Amd cards with rocm on Arch Linux
published on 📅 09/09/2022 | tags : Linux, AMD, rocm, stable-diffusion, AI, MLExperimenting with Stable-Diffusion with my AMD card on Arch Linux with rocm.

Memramcook / Taylor Village off-roading trip
published on 📅 07/09/2022 | tags : Drone, Panoramic, Memramcook, NB, Blueberries, PitA trip to Memramcook, NB to visit the Taylor Village and do some off-roading.

Terrence Bay River outing with the Drone
published on 📅 28/08/2022 | tags : Drone, Dji, Terrence Bay River, HalifaxTerrence Bay River outing with the Drone

Installing Lineage on my Pixel 2xl
published on 📅 24/08/2022 | tags : Linux, LineageOS, Pixel, AndroidOverview of how to install Lineage on my Pixel 2xl

First Drone Flight / Off-Roading
published on 📅 23/08/2022 | tags : Drone, Off-Roading, Flight, KDEnlive, JeepMy first drone flight off-roading.

Dracula and FzF (fuzzy finder) for some shenanigans in the console
published on 📅 08/05/2022 | tags : Linux, Bash, Fzf, Draculafzf with some Dracula colors and some fun console shenanigans.

Steam Deck Gotted!
published on 📅 17/03/2022 | tags : Linux, Steam, Steamdeck, GamingFirst thoughts and impressions of using the Steamdeck. spoilers it’s amazing!

Elden Ring on Linux (offline mode)
published on 📅 24/02/2022 | tags : Linux, Elden Ring #100DaysToOffloadElden Ring on Linux (offline mode)

Advent of Code 2021
published on 📅 30/12/2021 | tags : Linux, AOC, AdventOfCode, #100DaysToOffload, copilot, githubJust my entries into the advent of code 2021, been busy with these.

Newsboat, yt-dlp and mpv
published on 📅 02/11/2021 | tags : Linux, Newsboat, RSS, yt-dlp, #100DaysToOffloadNewsboat and yt-dlp for RSS and a usable YouTube.

exa a replacement ls
published on 📅 27/10/2021 | tags : Linux, ls, exa, #100DaysToOffloadExa a modern ls replacement, it’s pretty neat.

Neovim and Github Copilot
published on 📅 27/10/2021 | tags : Linux, Neovim, Github, Copilot, Arch, #100DaysToOffloadGetting up and running with Neovim and Github Copilot on Arch Linux

The search for a Vi mode browser
published on 📅 23/09/2021 | tags : Web, Browser, Vi, Nyxt, #100DaysToOffloadTrying out Nyxt in the search for a Vi mode browser.

I got a Pinetime!
published on 📅 22/09/2021 | tags : Linux, Opensource, Pine64, Pinetime, SmartWatch, #100DaysToOffloadI got a Pinetime, it was sweet for about 10 minutes. Hopefully it’s sweet again in a couple weeks.

Getting chat from Owncast into Obs
published on 📅 21/09/2021 | tags : Linux, Python, Flask, Owncast, OBS, obs-studio, getting-started, #100DaysToOffloadSmall Python script to get your Owncast chat into an OBS overlay

Open Broadcast Software and Owncast on Linux with Nginx and LetsEncrypt
published on 📅 19/09/2021 | tags : Linux, Streaming, OBS, Owncast, nginx, LetsEncrypt, #100DaysToOffloadOpen Broadcast Software (OBS) and Owncast all running in Linux, the perfect open source streaming solution?

Qubes installation
published on 📅 16/09/2021 | tags : Linux, Qubes, Virtualisation, VM, Fedora, Debian, Whonix, #100DaysToOffloadBrief overview of Qubes and the installation process.

X Forwarding
published on 📅 14/09/2021 | tags : Linux, X, SSH, #100DaysToOffloadJust a quick overview of how to setup X Forwarding

New Gear Get - Ploopy Classic
published on 📅 13/09/2021 | tags : Hardware, Opensource, Ploopy, Trackball, 3D-Print, #100DaysToOffloadWTF is a Ploopy? Opensource Trackball that runs QMK!

Switching to Podman as a Docker replacement (also docker-compose)
published on 📅 31/08/2021 | tags : Linux, Containers, Podman, Docker, docker-compose, #100DaysToOffloadHow to switch over to Podman for all your Docker and docker-compose needs.

Debian 11
published on 📅 17/08/2021 | tags : Linux, Debian, #100DaysToOffloadInstalling Debian11 into a VM to setup as my Work machine.

Slackware 15.rc1 in 2021
published on 📅 16/08/2021 | tags : Linux, #100DaysToOffloadPreview / How to install Slackware 15.RC1, and small review.

Installing Arch Linux (with helpful screenshots)
published on 📅 12/08/2021 | tags : Linux, Arch, #100DaysToOffloadNot a replacement for the installation wiki, but a complement for newer folks interested in Arch.

New Noita Save Manager release
published on 📅 10/08/2021 | tags : Linux, Windows, Noita, Games, Python, #100DaysToOffloadSmall update to the Noita save game manager

Porting old code again!
published on 📅 22/07/2021 | tags : Games, Roguelike, Python, #100DaysToOffload, DanzigAgain with porting old projects to modern Python and PyGame

Steamdeck Announcement
published on 📅 16/07/2021 | tags : Linux, Steam, Steamdeck, Arch, btw, #100DaysToOffloadAn interesting time now with the annoucement of Valves Steamdeck.

Downgrading your Linux kernel in Arch Linux
published on 📅 27/06/2021 | tags : Linux, Arch, AMD, amdgpu, #100DaysToOffloadQuick write up of downgrading your Linux kernel using Arch Linux in the event of some issues.

Pipewire one sound dilly to rule them all?
published on 📅 03/06/2021 | tags : Linux, Sound, Pipewire, PulseAudio, Alsa, OSS, #100DaysToOffloadTaking a peek at Pipewire, to see if it’s really the dragon slayer of Linux sound?

New amdfan and py3status-amdfan
published on 📅 16/05/2021 | tags : Linux, Arch, Python, i3, #100DaysToOffloadNew releases for AMDFAN and py3status-amdfan

Arch Linux after 6 months
published on 📅 11/05/2021 | tags : Arch, Linux, #100DaysToOffloadRecap / Review after 6 months of usage of Arch Linux

Linux From Scratch again!
published on 📅 09/05/2021 | tags : Linux, LFS, review, #100DaysToOffloadTaking a look at Linux From Scratch again whats changed in the last 20 years since I last ran through it?

Who wrote this?
published on 📅 28/04/2021 | tags : Python, 2to3, #100DaysToOffloadFun times porting my first personal Python project to Python3

Bitwarden after a couple years of LastPass
published on 📅 20/04/2021 | tags : Linux, Passwords, Encryption, Hunter2, #100DaysToOffloadOverview from a couple months of usage with bitwarden, coming from several unwilling years with LastPass.

Something new for me anyways
published on 📅 19/04/2021 | tags : Linux, Vim, nvim, neovim, #100DaysToOffloadGiving nvim a try, after a very long time spent with Vim.

Initial release py3status-amdfan
published on 📅 14/04/2021 | tags : Linux, py3status, AMD, i3wm, Python, #100DaysToOffloadThe initial release for my new py3status module to monitor fan RPM and temperatures.

Movie Night with Friends
published on 📅 08/04/2021 | tags : Linux, Movies, Syncplay, #100DaysToOffloadSyncplay is a neat tool for watching movies with friends remotely

Last Noita update - Linux performance
published on 📅 06/04/2021 | tags : Linux, Games, Noita, proton, #100DaysToOffloadWith the final large update to Noita, there are some benefits and sadness.

published on 📅 05/04/2021 | tags : Python, #100DaysToOffload, Py3status, i3wmSmall py3status module for showing github notifications in i3wm

Hello Gemini
published on 📅 04/04/2021 | tags : Gemini, #100DaysToOffload, NotGopher, Bash, Python, RSTPorting my site to Gemini, with Bash and Python

35 mins to Arch
published on 📅 29/03/2021 | tags : Linux, Arch, py3status, #100DaysToOffload, Python35 minutes from release to Arch

Automating the little things
published on 📅 16/03/2021 | tags : Linux, bash, automation, Docker, #100DaysToOffloadSmall automation for my server

weechat and tmux for remote IRC
published on 📅 09/03/2021 | tags : Linux, IRC, Terminal, weechat, tmux, #100DaysToOffloadQuick setup for persistent weechat with tmux and systemd

Urtuk: The Desolation
published on 📅 03/03/2021 | tags : Linux, Games, Roguelike, Turn-based, #100DaysToOffload, UrtukUrtuk: The Desolation is a new roguelike, turn-based tactical combat game with a native Linux build.

Noita Save Manager
published on 📅 28/02/2021 | tags : Linux, Noita, Games, Mod, #100DaysToOffloadLinux compatible Noita Save Manager

Noita Together
published on 📅 24/02/2021 | tags : Games, Noita, Wizards, #100DaysToOffloadA multiplayer mod for one of the best roguelikes out there.

amdfan First release
published on 📅 21/02/2021 | tags : Linux, Python, #100DaysToOffloadMy first release of AMDFAN, a fan controller for amdgpu video cards.

My .vimrc
published on 📅 06/02/2021 | tags : Linux, Vim, #100DaysToOffload, EditorIt ain’t much but it’s mine

Hollow Knight
published on 📅 04/02/2021 | tags : Games, Linux, #100DaysToOffload, MetroidvaniaWhat a great game, with fantastic Linux support.

Miniflux + Wallabag + Android client = 👍
published on 📅 02/02/2021 | tags : Linux, Miniflux, Wallabag, RSS, Android, #100DaysToOffload, WebSetting up Miniflux with Wallabag to read articles on my Android phone.

Adding Python Virtual Env support to Synth Shell
published on 📅 01/02/2021 | tags : Python, Bash, Linux, #100DaysToOffloadJust a quick write up of adding Python virtualenv support to Synth Shell

cpu_governor.py a py3status module
published on 📅 29/01/2021 | tags : Linux, Python, i3, py3status, #100DaysToOffloadAnother py3status module for i3, this time for showing the CPU governor

Falling Everything in Python
published on 📅 28/01/2021 | tags : Python, Noita, Pygame, #100DaysToOffloadSmall Python demo of the Noita physics engine “falling everything” written in Python.

http_monitor for i3 (py3status)
published on 📅 26/01/2021 | tags : Python, Linux, #100DaysToOffload, httpSmall http monitoring script that I wrote to keep track of some services running on my server.

Fancy terminal
published on 📅 24/01/2021 | tags : Linux, #100DaysToOffload, Alacritty, ueberzug, ranger, terminalSetting up Alacritty, ranger and ueberzug for image previews in the terminal

Demon’s Souls / RPCS3
published on 📅 23/01/2021 | tags : Games, #100DaysToOffload, EmulationGetting Demon’s Souls up and running in Arch Linux with RPCS3

WTF is Gemini?
published on 📅 20/01/2021 | tags : Web, Gopher, Gemini, Fancy, #100DaysToOffloadWTF is Gemini? Really… is it just a fancy Gopher?

Noita - Linux performance
published on 📅 19/01/2021 | tags : Linux, Games, Noita, CPU, proton, #100DaysToOffloadSome settings and programs you can use to improve responsiveness of Noita, and other CPU intensive games.

published on 📅 17/01/2021 | tags : Encryption, Identity, Federation, #100DaysToOffloadSetting up KeyOxide for DNS, Github and Mastodon

Dead Cells controller issues
published on 📅 14/01/2021 | tags : Linux, Games, Roguelike, #100DaysToOffloadHow I managed to resolve (kinda), my controller issues with Dead Cells in Linux

Foundry setup in Linux
published on 📅 13/01/2021 | tags : Linux, Dice, Dungeons and Dragons, pen and paper, #100DaysToOffload, DockerQuick setup guide for self-hosting Foundry VTT

Wizards and State Machines
published on 📅 12/01/2021 | tags : Noita, State Machine, Games, Wizard, Witch, Spell Wrapping, #100DaysToOffloadNoita, the best Witch game you haven’t played.

Dwarf Fortress in Arch with a Tile-set
published on 📅 11/01/2021 | tags : Linux, Arch, Dwarf Fortress, Graphics, #100DaysToOffloadSmall write-up of how to install a tile-set for Dwarf Fortress in Linux (Arch, but any other distribution will work as well).

Building AUR’s with a chroot
published on 📅 09/01/2021 | tags : Linux, Arch, pacman, #100DaysToOffloadHow to build AUR’s with a chroot cleanly

pacman coming from apt / dpkg
published on 📅 07/01/2021 | tags : Linux, Arch, Debian, pacman, #100DaysToOffloadWorking with the Arch Linux package manager

published on 📅 04/01/2021 | tags : Linux, SSH, #100DaysToOffloadMore commands that I didn’t know about

Ventoy how did I not know about you?
published on 📅 03/01/2021 | tags : Linux, tutorial, #100DaysToOffloadNeat tool that I didn’t know about for bootable media

Installing Arch Linux blind after 20 years of Debian
published on 📅 01/01/2021 | tags : Linux, Debian, Arch, #100DaysToOffloadSome thoughts about Arch and Debian after 20 years of using primarily Debian

Creating a py3status module to monitor my UPS battery
published on 📅 31/12/2020 | tags : UPS, Battery, Python, Tutorial, i3, #100DaysToOffloadHow to create a py3status module

Looking Glass
published on 📅 30/12/2020 | tags : Linux, VFIO, Virtualization, Tutorial, BIOS, LookingGlass, #100DaysToOffloadBasic Looking Glass setup

Cyberpunk 2077 in Linux kinda?
published on 📅 29/12/2020 | tags : Linux, Cyberpunk, 2077, VFIO, games, demo, #100DaysToOffloadShort demo video of VFIO setup playing Cyberpunk

Odds and Ends
published on 📅 28/12/2020 | tags : Linux, VFIO, Virtualization, Tutorial, BIOS, #100DaysToOffloadBIOS and optimizations

The Machine! (virtual)
published on 📅 27/12/2020 | tags : Linux, VFIO, Tutorial, Virtualization, #100DaysToOffloadConfiguring your VM

Isolation (of hardware)
published on 📅 26/12/2020 | tags : Linux, VFIO, Tutorial, Virtualization, #100DaysToOffloadIsolation of components for VM pass through

Intro to VFIO
published on 📅 25/12/2020 | tags : Linux, VFIO, Vitualization, Tutorial, #100DaysToOffloadIntro to VFIO in Linux