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Taking the drone out in Bayers Lake, early spring 2023

published on 📅 15/04/2023

Just taking a quick spin around with the Drone in Bayers Lake, Nova Scotia.

| tags : Drone, Lakes, Bayers, Sunny, Jeep, Nova-Scotia

Out with the drone in Shediac New Brunswick Easter weekend 2023

published on 📅 08/04/2023

Out with the drone in Shediac New Brunswick Easter weekend 2023

| tags : Drone, Shediac, Beach, Sunset, Jeep, New-Brunswick

Out off-roading in Tantallon Nova-Scotia, taking a look at a couple wild campsites

published on 📅 18/09/2022

Off-roading in Tantallon NS, taking a look at a couple wild campsites

| tags : Drone, Camping, Wild, Lakes, Ponds, Jeep, Nova-Scotia

First Drone Flight / Off-Roading

published on 📅 23/08/2022

My first drone flight off-roading.

| tags : Drone, Off-Roading, Flight, KDEnlive, Jeep

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